- 1.Frankfurter Concentration Test for Children
- 2.GECDA – Gazi Early Childhood Assessment Tool
Early Childhood and Development
Early childhood is an exciting process from start to finish. A person being born, discovering everything from the beginning and your guidance to this process as parents. Exciting, pleasant and proud.
Of course, we do not expect each parent aka primary caregiver to follow the process like a special educator or neuroscience specialist. Just as we find it dangerous for everyone to become their own doctor or pharmacist. Each individual has a different role and duty in life. The role of parents in the lives of their children should be guidance and parents should enjoy this process to their full. When they notice the stutters in the process, they should definitely consult a doctor.
The special education specialist you consult with the guidance of your doctor will receive an evaluation first. Experts can use many assessment tools to determine your child’s condition. Experts use tests and scales such as AGTE, GECDA, Benton Visual Memory Test, Frostig Visual Perception Test, Bender Gestalt Test, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Burdon Attention Test, GOBDÖ, Frankfurter Attention Test, d2 Attention Test, Good Enough – Harris Draw a Person Test, Metropolitan School Maturity Test or Marmara Primary Education Readiness Scale. Like every child, every specialist is a different individual and will choose the methods that he / she finds the most informative and functional. Although AGTE (the Ankara Development Screening Inventory) which I like the most in terms of monitoring the development, specialists can also close GEÇDA (Gazi Early Childhood Assessment Tool). So what is Gazi Early Childhood Assessment Tool?
What is Gazi Early Childhood Assessment Tool?
GECDA gives information about the development of babies and children between birth to 72 months old. It is an assessment tool for children.It is used for early identification of developmental delays in a child. The aim is to carry the child to further evaluations due to early identified delays.The baby must be at least 15 days old for GECDA. The application is not carried out after the baby passes 72 months old age.
We see this test as a useful assessment tool due to the following reasons:
- The test is intended for our culture.
- It was obtained from a large sample group.
- It covers all the areas of development of the child in detail.
- The test gives us the possibility to observed the child on the playground easily.
- Some items are asked to the mother so that mothers become part of the assessment.